Thursday, November 02, 2006

Well I have been trying to just focus on how the Dems are going to do overall on 11/7 but most of the main media sites seem to be leading with the Kerry-Foot in Mouth-Disease.

Here's a guy who didn't really think very thoroughly at what he said. He didn't look at the consequences of his own party. I think he thought, " The Dems have it in the bag(some dumbass pollster told him this-because he's so clueless about what is really going on), I finally get to say what I really think of the GOP and the president. Where's my crayon?"

Which leads us here. The conservative media outlets won't let this die. They are so desperate to keep the power in both houses and smear the Dems. In my own opinion I believe Kerry should have kept his mouth shut. If the Democrats lose both chance of obtaining power of the house and senate on 11/7 I'm so done with this donkey party. This isn't a united party. Kerry didn't win and he doesn't want his party to win on Tuesday because he is still bitter about his 2004 loss. Hey, do you think he will be well received at the Democratic Convention in 2008?

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