Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Rhea & Pat's 20th Anniversary Party

It was so wonderful to be a part of their 20th celebration this past Sat. I think there were about 40 or more of their close friends and relations. They have been through so much. A few years back Pat was diagnosed w/ breast cancer. We had a benefit for her. Our local lesbian/one part het and one part bisexual band, Full House played. The highlight for me was when Joan gave Pat Brack a pair of undies. Pat put them over her pants and got on a table and did a panty-money dance. Oh that Pat.

Anyhoo, this celebration was bit tamer than the last one. I was asked to be the DJ. So for the past 3 weeks Marchelle and I have been practicing our technical skills at mixing w/ my board and dual CD player. God it was so much fun! Friends burned discs for us to play, and between Marchelle's collection of Mowtown and Hip-Hop and my 70's,80's, disco stuff we put on an awesome set. It was good to see some of my friends that I haven't been in touch with. I thought there was going to be some drama between a good friend of mine and her ex showing up, but she didn't show up.

I hope that they got enough donations for their Hawaii trip in the fall. Oh yeah I forgot the other highlight for me last Sat., seeing Perla and Lorayne dance to salsa. I've seen them before dance together. They're not a couple but out of all the people I know they are the ones that know all of those swinging moves.

So I hope to be playing at more gigs in the summer. This is still new to me. It's like performing. I got so exhausted. It took me three days to regain my energy. Whew!

Boun Giorno!

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