Tuesday, April 11, 2006

my review of season 3 of the L word

Transformation should have been the theme song sung ONLY by Pam Grier and Nona Hendryx. Everyone went thru changes. Shane the die-in-the-wool player proposes maraige to Carmen who FINALLY comes out to her family. Helena who must now face S4 going door to door carrying her cleaning bucket asking for jobs. No not really, just one of my fantasies."Hello..I'm from Peabody's Pink Housecleaning Service, " Ok, ok back on track. Tina and her reclaimed positon in the het world. Kit pregnant w/ Mangus' baby while she's in menopause. Alice losing Dana AGAIN! Jenny is not dating a German Sheppard as Tim predicts, but as we can clearly see is back to dating a woman. Oh yes & Dana. She had the biggest transition of them all reuniting w/ Mr. Piddles. "Mr. P? Is that really you?? It is!! Oh how I missed you my Mr. P"
"Tonya did what?? Mr. P are trying to spell something w/ those rocks...??"
Oh yes I forget Bette. I really like her character she came back as the strong leader and w/ a clear plan of child abduction. All kidding aside I think i had more fun this season hosting L word viewings and posting oh sho.com message boards.